Chapter 1: Your Psyche and the Hero of Your Story
PART 2 of 5

In this Hypothesis of Everything, I believe that there are seven dimensions. By definition, a dimension is measurable, or its impact can be quantified as applied to the sixth and seventh dimensions of consciousness. Spoiler alert: Chapter 3 will dig deeper into this seven-dimensional model, but it is necessary to give a brief description here for this chapter’s context.
The First Dimension is a line – X – that has only length, no width, nor depth.
The Second Dimension introduces an intersecting line – XY – a plane. There are height and width but no depth. This is the dimension of everything visible.
The Third Dimension is another intersecting line to create depth – XYZ – a cube. This dimension is most natural for us to understand because it is the physical realm in which we and everything else exists.
The Fourth Dimension is Time. For the physical realm to have movement, it requires time to arrive from one point in space to another. Time is the realm of the living. Before and after we are alive, there is no experience of time, although there is abundant evidence of the past before our existence. The unique aspect of time is that it is linear and moves only forward.
Some physicists suggest that the fifth dimension is frequency or vibration. I agree with them. Included in frequency are rhythm, patterns, energy, light, sound, and brain waves. Specifically, for this model, the Fifth Dimension is Language and Imagination.
Imagination is distinct from thoughts. You are thinking all of the time. You “have” thoughts, yet imagining is something creative. Imagination is a voluntary thought to create images in your mind. All images exist in language. Even if the image itself is unique enough not to have a label, you can give it a description. Language authors and manipulates all of the other dimensions. In the third dimension, things exist, but they do not become real until they are given a name. Not only does a name assign reality, but it also provides us with the power to manipulate it or use it. Language built the seven wonders of the world. Language tore down the Berlin Wall. Language elects presidents and ruins economies. Language wages war and declares peace. Language unites in marriage and gives our covenants and contracts existence, which are also dissolved by language. Language defines our identity and beliefs. Language seeks out the cures for diseases. Language kills reputations and ignites genocides. In our stories and myths of creation, there is first, language – “and God said….” Language is the dimension of order and chaos.
There is a portal between the fifth and sixth dimensions. This portal is motivation/inspiration to ACT upon our language or imagination, even if it’s language others give us. It doesn’t always feel like a choice, either. For example, fear is a powerful motivator, but there is no meaning to the sixth dimension inside “instinct and survival.”
The portal is also where language finds agreement and becomes real. Reality is language plus agreement. That’s why we have dictionaries and reference sources. But sometimes, the agreement can change.
For example, before 2006, there were nine planets in our solar system. All of the textbooks and exams required us to acknowledge that there were nine planets. It was REAL. And then, the agreement of the definition of the word “planet” changed, and Pluto dropped out. Reality changed because the agreement changed.
The sixth and seventh dimensions are dimensions of consciousness measured by their effects.
The Sixth Dimension is Responsibility. Responsibility takes language and translates it into intentional results. Responsibility is uniquely human. It is the dimension of meaning.
Love/Truth is the Seventh Dimension. The consistent pitfall of this dimension is that we understand it or know it fully. While “love” and “truth” have entirely different definitions, they both have everything to do with connecting. Meaning, significance, and individuality fades or disappears into love/truth when we get close to this dimension. We see glimpses and reflections and participate in them every day. We experience connections that feel like love and truth. It manifests in the effects of gratitude, contribution, fun, play, peace, art, music, beauty, etc. Psychologists give it the label “positive emotion,” but I believe that it is something more. It springs forth from a source deep within us that sometimes feels lost or smothered. I’m convinced that the source is the intertwined double helix of love and truth, like the DNA in our psyche’s nucleus. It is the seventh dimension belonging to every human. It is the dimension of the divine and, in this case, the essential hero inside of you.
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